Friday, May 15, 2020

Diversity in Three Voices - 701 Words

Diversity in Three Voices Scientist When working with individuals from different cultures, individuals informally learn the differences that exist between them and their respective cultures (DeCenzo Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Often the word â€Å"diversity† is confused with political correctness or human equality but it is the understanding of differences between people and how they interact. Diversity is defined as the quality of being different but composed of distinct elements or qualities (Parvis, 2005, p. 15). Throughout history the United States has been known as the â€Å"melting pot,† but this concept was a perception not a reality because the melting pot ended up benefiting only white, prominent settlers. Looking at diversity is observing differences and there are a lot of them. For example, male versus female, religion versus no religion, homosexual versus heterosexual, foreign or domestic, republican versus democrat, Caucasian versus African American, Mexican versus Latino, Cherokee Indian versus Choctaw Indian, poor versus rich; and differences could encompass several more pages. We can deny that differences exist or we can consent to differences while discovering from others the assets of dissimilarity. People must learn, therefore, to recognize differences in others – their backgrounds, customs, and work schedules – and appreciate, even celebrate, those differences (DeCenzo Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Artist When it is blatantly obvious that you don’t fit it withShow MoreRelatedManaging A Diverse Workforce1716 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough there is an improvement in the diversity in the workforce, there is still room for change. Businesses have made many changes to help enforce the laws that were passed regarding diversity in the workforce. 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